100 International teams from around the globe

The “WBQA World Grill Championship hosted by the GBA” will take place this year at the Stuttgart exhibition center on July 27th & 28th.

In addition to many teams from the DACH-region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), international teams are expected not only from Europe, but also from Latin America, where the Intercontinental Championship in Costa Rica took place in November last year.

“We’ve already received nearly 100 team applications,” so Rainer Wörner, CEO from the German BBQ Association, and there’ll be an equally colourful mixed jury team to judge the turn-ins from those teams.

“You can definitely expect a buzzing atmosphere, as a World Championship always has a completely different feeling about it as national ones,” comments Wim Vink, WBQA’s CEO. With teams and judges from Italy, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Paraguy and many more, their warmth and energetic temperament turns the heat one in more than one respect. At the mammoth party for the awards ceremony in Costa Rica’s tent was almost bursting at the seams and the same enthusiasm can be expected in Stuttgart.

In contrast to the national championships in Germany, WBQA rules apply that define six compulsory categories:

  • Beef & side dish
  • Pork with bone & side dish
  • Pork without bone & side dish
  • Chicken & side dish
  • Fish & side dish
  • Plant-based dish

The jury team, which is certified according to WBQA standards, will also be international and so winning teams can be expected that not only meet German tastes, but also international ones. “Registration has closed this week but it’s unlikely that we would turn away later registrations”, informs Angelika Brune, German Head Judge. She’ll be overlooking the judging procedure in the judge tent together with WBQA’s Head Judge Ulf Nietosvuori from Sweden and Fabio Santo from Italy.


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